My final speech in the European Parliament
Speaking for the final time in the European Parliament, I explain why I will be voting against the Withdrawal Agreement.
Speaking for the final time in the European Parliament, I explain why I will be voting against the Withdrawal Agreement.
Last week, I spoke for the final time on this Committee, immediately after they voted (reluctantly) to approve the withdrawal agreement, prior to it being presented to the European Parliament next week.
Speaking in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, for what will be the final session for British MEPs, on the continued importance of fighting for UK and EU citizens’ rights.
Speaking in Strasbourg after the UK General Election, I reminding MEPs that 53% of the UK voted for parties that voted for a second referendum, and that PM Johnson is already reneging on promises he made and will press for a Hard Brexit.
Speaking in the chamber on the Withdrawal Act bill, the need for a confirmatory referendum and Labour’s position on a Brexit referendum in any circumstances.
Addressing the Labour and Left bloc near Hyde Park at the start of the Let Us Be Heard march. Click here to start video.
My contribution to the Brexit debate in the European Parliament, outlining how Boris Johnson is playing the blame game, tabling proposals that are unworkable and which he knows the EU and people on the island of Ireland will reject.
My contribution to the Brexit debate on Monday 23 September at Labour Party Conference in Brighton.
Last week I chaired a conference on Kashmir in Brussels. This week I spoke in the debate in the chamber, calling on the EU and its member states to put pressure on India to address the situation it has created in Azad Kashmir.
Speaking in the European Parliament debate on Brexit about Johnson’s minority government, opposition parties united against no deal, and the shift against Brexit among the British people.
It was a pleasure to join the “No to Boris. Yes to Europe” rally in London today. Here is a video and some photos from the event.
This week I was interviewed by France24 on the European elections and Labour’s Brexit position.
Interviewed by Joanna Gosling on the European election results and what this might mean for shifts in Labour Party policy.
Speaking on Sky News, the evening after the election results, explaining that they show that votes for Remain supporting parties have increased and beaten votes for Leave voting parties.
Interview with Adam Boulton on All Out Politics on Labour’s European Election manifesto.
My interview with Nick Robinson prior to Labour’s launch of the manifesto for the European elections.
Speaking in the final European Parliament session before the May elections, the day after the terrible blaze at Notre Dame de Paris, I reflect on President Tusk’s comments that ‘we are bound by more than just treaties’.
After an unpredictable few days and weeks, the EU27 and the UK have agreed to a further extension until 31 October 2018. Here I talk about what this means for our continued membership, MEP elections in May, Brexit and the increasing possibility of a confirmatory ballot.
Talking to BBC News about the extension of Article 50, European elections and the importance of having a confirmatory ballot on whatever deal emerges.
Speaking to a lively crowd of Brits and other EU citizens outside the European Council building as the 28 heads of government considered the Article 50 extension request from the UK.
Last night, UKIP MEP Mike Hookem made a somewhat outrageous, disgraceful speech and immediately left the chamber. This was my response.
I was invited to speak to members on the left of the political spectrum on the the possible way forward to a second referendum on Brexit.
Speaking at the People’s Vote rally, minutes before the meaningful vote is announced on 15 January.
Interviewed on Sky News alongside Charles Tannock MEP to discuss the developing situation with Brexit, as Theresa May returns empty handed from Brussels two days after the damaging no-confidence vote from her MPs.
Speaking in EP on the continued Brexit chaos as Theresa May cancels the meaningful vote on the Withdrawal Agreement that she expected to lose.
On the day that the EU Council agreed the Withdrawal Agreement and the text of the Political Declaration, I was interviewed by Adam Boulton on Sky News.
Speaking in the European Parliament debate on the Evaluation of the Lisbon Treaty (for which I was Rapporteur) to dispel some of the false narratives that opponents of the EU like to peddle.
Speaking in the Conclusions of the October EC debate as the UK government misses yet another deadline, leaving only a few months remaining to negotiate any Brexit deal.
Speaking in the European Parliament debate in preparation for the next European Council meeting on 18-19 October, I point out that the Brexit being offered to the UK, including Leave voters, is not what they were told and not what many voted for.
My address to Labour Conference on the achievements of the EPLP and our position on Brexit.
Interviewed by Adam Boulton while at Labour conference.
Speaking on a second panel at the Leeds for Europe event, I outline three strong arguments in favour of the EU.
Speaking on a panel at the Leeds for Europe event in September on why there are increasing calls for a People’s Vote.
Radio Interview with LBC’s Matt Stadlen on Brexit, the People’s Vote campaign and Labour’s evolving policy position. (8 minutes long.)
Talking to Adam Boulton on Sky News about Theresa May’s newest Brexit fudge that emerged from Chequers and prompted the resignations of David Davis and Boris Johnson.
I was interviewed by Jo Coburn on Friday’s Daily Politics show, discussing the lack of progress with the Brexit negotiations at the crucial June European Council.
Speaking in the Fisheries committee of the European Parliament on the leaked government white paper for its post-Brexit fisheries policy. They cannot deliver what was promised during the referendum campaign.
Two years after the referendum, the Conservative government still has not clarified its starting position for the Brexit negotiations.
Short speech during the Future of Europe debate on 30th May 2018
Speaking in a debate on the Better Law Making report I explain how the EU has a higher threshold than many national parliaments for introducing regulations, and how these reduce red tape across all 28 countries. Divergence creates more complexity, as the UK government is quickly discovering.
Short and Sweet!
Interviewed by Emanuel Nunes at my Leeds constituency office.
The introduction is in Portuguese but most of the video is in English with Portuguese subtitles.
Discussing the Labour Party’s positions on various aspects of the ongoing Brexit negotiations – May 2018.
Speaking in European Parliament on the May’s magical ‘Harry Potter’ border plans for Ireland. (13th March 2018)
My reply to Sean Kelly MEP’s ‘blue card’ question.
Speaking in the European Parliament on the conclusions of the European Council meeting in December.
Speaking on 13th December. Although we are moving onto phase 2 of negotiations, we must not pretend the phase 1 issues are settled,
Challenging a UKIP point of order on the visit of the Commons Select Committee. 15th November 2017.
I spoke to parliament about the European Council’s decision that insufficient progress has been made on Brexit negotiations, as expected, and of the divisions within the Tory party causing this.
MEPs today voted, rightly in my view, that there has not yet been ‘sufficient progress’ in the Brexit negotiations. As Acting Leader of the EPLP, I have issued this statement and here is my speech in the parliament’s debate:
Talking with Adam Boulton about the many complex challenges with Brexit negotiations, the importance of protected food names for the British Economy and why we should remember that Brexit is ‘if’ not ‘when’, until we know what kind of deal is on offer.
Interviewed by Andrew Neil on The Sunday Politics, December 2016
FRANCE 24 came over to Yorkshire to film a piece on how people and politicians in the region felt about Brexit and the General Election. It was a pleasure to take them to University of Leeds and Digital Exchange in Bradford to explore the views of students and the technology community. Pour nos amis français, il ya a une version en français aussi.
Addressing the European Parliament about the clear guidelines set out by the European Council for Brexit negotiations.
Today the 73% of the European Parliament agreed a resolution in response to article 50 being triggered. It is Labour’s responsibility to hold Theresa May’s government to account for their promise secure “exactly the same benefits”.
On 25th March I spoke to thousands of protesters in Parliament Square about why should keep fighting this government on Brexit.
I spoke to LBC’s Clive Bull about the proposal from Mr Charles Goerens, one of Luxembourg’s MEPs, for associate citizenship of the EU for nationals of a former Member State.
I was a panellist at an event reviewing the way the printed media reported on the EU referendum campaign.
I replied to Alyn Smith MEP on Brexit. (You can view my original statement here.)
I spoke in the European Parliament on complications following from the Brexit vote. (You can watch my response on this subject to a question from another member here.)
I spoke in the European Parliament on behalf of “the 48%”.
I appeared on the BBC Sunday Politics show alongside Rachael Maskell MP, Amjad Bashir MEP and Baroness Warsi.
I took live questions on Facebook in a 90-minute conversation hosted by Jonny Walker, a high-profile local musician whom I bumped into in Bradford a couple of days ago.
I took part in a four-way debate on the EU referendum for Made In Leeds TV, a local station in Yorkshire. You can watch the film in four segments on their website: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
I appeared on the Sunday Politics show to talk about future plans for the EU. The video is available for 30 days on the BBC website, and my interview starts at 35:04. Watch the video here.
I spoke to EU Reporter about the interplay between Euro 2016 football, the EU referendum and how to distinguish facts from fiction in the campaign.
I visited a market farmer near Goole and talked to ITV News about migrant labour in the agricultural sector.
After Gordon Brown’s speech in the European Parliament today, I took questions live from Sky News viewers via their live broadcast Facebook page.
I took part in a debate for ITV news, hosted in Bradford City Academy, against Philip Davies MP.
I spoke (in French) to Ouest-France media about the EU referendum in Britain.
I spoke to Atlantic Insight about the implications of the EU referendum debate in Britain. You can listen to the audio or read a transcript on their website.
I make a short statement in Parliament about the improvements to lawmaking in the new ‘inter-institutional agreement’.
I debated issues related to the UK’s EU membership with Chris Grayling MP, Stephen Fidler of the Wall Street Journal, and Socialist MEP Marc Tarabella.
Today’s vlog is a discussion of the way eurosceptics are spinning ‘project fear’, especially with regard to migration.
I spoke to EU Reporter about the implications of the UK ‘in-out’ referendum for the future of the Union.
I gave an extended video and written interview to ITV News today on the behind-the-scenes details of the European Council summit. A very difficult meeting to chair. You’ve got 28 prima donnas around the table who all think they are right and usually get their own way domestically. They’re suddenly in a meeting where none […]
My latest vlog covers what to expect from the upcoming EU summit.
I address the European Parliament on Cameron’s draft reform deal.
I talk about the pros and cons of EU regulation in a parliamentary debate.
I speak in Parliament about how the EU can help support the steel industry in Britain.
I respond to Nigel Farage on the issue of sea bass fishing.
I spoke to Sky News about Jean-Claude Juncker’s views on the UK’s place in the EU.
I told Labour’s annual conference: “The referendum is not on Cameron’s reforms. The referendum is on the much bigger question of our very membership of the European Union.”
A short debate on BBC Radio 4’s The World Tonight programme about migration, and the democratic structures that underpin the EU.
I spoke briefly in the European Parliament about the refugee crisis in Europe and how it can be addressed.
I spoke in Parliament to introduce a package of reforms to the way Commissioner candidates are approved by MEPs in future.
Sadly, I wasn’t able to make it to the GMB congress in Dublin, but here is my message of greeting to them.
An extended, light-hearted interview for French TV about British attitudes to Europe. It’s in French, so I’ve also provided an English transcript.
This clip is a contribution I made to the positive vote in plenary on the Baltic multi-annual plan — a key implementation of the newly reformed Common Fisheries Policy. Since this MAP marks the first of the new style plans, it sets important precedents for others to come, namely the upcoming North Sea plan. I’m […]
A brief clip of one of my contributions to the debate about eCall.
I spoke to the Catalan channel Televisió 3 about possible outcomes of the UK general election, including the threat of a British exit from the EU, opposite ‘el conservador Daniel Hannan’.
An interview where I discuss further improvements to the code of conduct on transparency for MEPs.
I was asked to speak at a fringe meeting of the Labour party conference this year on the subject of what EU reforms we should be fighting for. You can also read a transcript of my speech.
Last night, I appeared alongside Conservative, Lib Dem and UKIP candidates on ITV Yorkshire’s late-night politics show, Last Orders. You can watch the video here.