“Most of our laws come from Brussels”: Really?
Not true. The independent House of Commons library found that the real proportion is just 13.2% of our laws.
Not true. The independent House of Commons library found that the real proportion is just 13.2% of our laws.
Not true. All proposals for new EU laws are debated, amended and passed (or rejected) by elected national governments and directly-elected MEPs.
Not true. We don’t decide anything at EU level unless all countries have agreed to do so — and even then, each piece of legislation is agreed by national governments.
The European Commission administration is only a little larger than a single city council in the UK.
Not true. The UK’s contribution is actually much lower than other similar-sized economies such as Germany and France, partly because we get a special rebate.
Not true. There is a persistent myth that the European Court of Auditors has refused to sign off the EU’s accounts, but this is false.
Not true. You wouldn’t believe it from the eurosceptic rhetoric, but in fact, both British businesses and inward investors have been emphatic that Britain must stay in!
Not true. The EU is the world’s biggest single market, and it’s far and away our biggest trading partner.
Not true. In fact, there are almost as many Brits living elsewhere in the EU as other EU nationals in Britain.
Not true. In fact, the European Parliament is much better than national parliaments at saying ‘no’ to controversial proposals.
Not true. When we get it right, EU legislation is an exercise in cutting red tape!
In fact, official figures from the Department of Health show that the opposite is true!
The European Court of Human Rights has nothing to do with the EU.
Not true. We actually left a free trade zone, EFTA, to join the EEC specifically because we felt free trade was not enough.
Be careful what you wish for!
Yes, and so is every other country! All have their different languages, cultures, histories and laws.
This claim has been made about several different public services in the UK, but it is not true.
The Leave campaign claims that we could get better trade deals if we negotiated them separately as Britain. But it’s not as easy as that.
The Leave campaign claims that we could get better trade deals if we negotiated them separately as Britain. But it’s not as easy as that.
Not true. The court doesn’t make political decisions, but it does sometimes have to remind politicians of what they have agreed!
Anyone who has actually looked into the figures and the details of this saga will know that it isn’t so simple.
Not true. We retain full border controls as an EU member — along with Ireland, we are outside the borderless Schengen area.
Not true. Indeed, we are likely to win this battle precisely because it’s being fought at EU level.
Not true. It is the relative importance of trade to each side, not the absolute value of that trade, that matters.
The figures show this isn’t anywhere near true. In fact, we almost always win votes through finding common ground with other countries.
This is absolute nonsense. How we organise our health service, and how we pay for it, is a matter for our own government.
This is an attempt to conjure up a conspiracy in an area where many people aren’t familiar with the details.