50 EU benefits #34
200,000+ UK students use Erasmus programme, increasing long-term employability.
200,000+ UK students use Erasmus programme, increasing long-term employability.
EU bathing water rules prompted changes across Britain for cleaner beaches.
45% of British exports go to the EU and 53% of our imports come from it.
EU rules mean equal pay for work of equal value, helping close the gender pay gap.
4 weeks’ paid annual leave: British workers benefit thanks to the EU.
Some 100,000 skilled EU migrants work in our health and social care services.
Discrimination by race and religion is illegal under EU law.
Three quarters of UK car exports go to EU countries.
From 2007-13, UK researchers got £8.8bn in EU funding.
Students from the EU generate £2.3bn for the UK economy & support 19,000 jobs.
UK restraining orders apply throughout the EU.
Mobile calls, texts and data no longer cost a fortune abroad thanks to the EU.
LGBTI+ discrimination is illegal across the EU.
EU rules entitle parents to urgent parental leave for family reasons.
With EU support, green business could add a further £20bn to the UK economy.
EU rules protect Brits from age and sex discrimination.
We’re less likely to get food poisoning thanks to EU General Food Regulation.
Agreeing EU-wide laws improves air quality and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
66% of our seafood exports go to EU countries.
Investment from Europe supports 14% of UK jobs.
EU-wide passenger rights mean less worry and more protection when flying abroad.
EU citizens here contribute more taxes than they cost in benefits and services.
The EU helps achieve tax transparency for big business.
EU working time rules protect you from working very long hours.