Tensions in Kashmir
The Kashmir issue has long been neglected by the international community, despite the very clear UN Security Council resolutions that require the issue to be settled by a referendum of the Kashmiri people themselves.
The Kashmir issue has long been neglected by the international community, despite the very clear UN Security Council resolutions that require the issue to be settled by a referendum of the Kashmiri people themselves.
I have co-written an article in Labour List with my colleague Jude Kirton-Darling MEP and Mike Buckley of the Labour for a People’s Vote campaign.
It was a pleasure to join the “No to Boris. Yes to Europe” rally in London today. Here is a video and some photos from the event.
My response to an article in Thursday’s Labour List which criticised the EPLP’s decision to vote in support of the nomination of Ursula von der Leyen as the next European Commission president.
Knowing that they are losing the support of public opinion back home, the new Brexit Party MEPs have decided to focus their efforts on denigrating, ridiculing and demonising the institution they chose to stand for.
There is much comment at the moment on how the EU goes about choosing the President of the European Commission, the EU’s executive/administration. Here’s a brief explanation of the process, and a comparison with happens in the UK.
The shift of emphasis of Labour’s Brexit stance to demanding a public vote on any Brexit outcome may be taking a long time, but it is happening. Moreover, it is fully justified.
This week I was interviewed by France24 on the European elections and Labour’s Brexit position.
In my latest article for Labour List, I argue that while the European election results were not good for Labour, nor were they good for the Brexit supporting parties. Labour must move to a wholehearted backing of a public vote on Brexit in order to stop haemorrhaging votes.
Socialists and other pro-European parties did far better than had been predicted in last week’s elections. Below is an overview of what the new European Parliament is going to look like.
Interviewed by Joanna Gosling on the European election results and what this might mean for shifts in Labour Party policy.
Speaking on Sky News, the evening after the election results, explaining that they show that votes for Remain supporting parties have increased and beaten votes for Leave voting parties.
Looking behind the Farage-focussed headlines to see what the UK voters were trying to tell Labour, and the country.
Some images from the European election campaign. Wonderful support from Labour Party members across Yorkshire and Humber.
Interview with Adam Boulton on All Out Politics on Labour’s European Election manifesto.
My interview with Nick Robinson prior to Labour’s launch of the manifesto for the European elections.
The D’Hondt system used for election MEPs is proportional, but votes for smaller parties are not always translate into seats. Here is an explainer of how the system works.
Brexit is turning out to be very different from what was promised by the Leave campaign three years ago, so it is justified to ask people to confirm whether they wish to proceed or not.
Speaking in the final European Parliament session before the May elections, the day after the terrible blaze at Notre Dame de Paris, I reflect on President Tusk’s comments that ‘we are bound by more than just treaties’.
After an unpredictable few days and weeks, the EU27 and the UK have agreed to a further extension until 31 October 2018. Here I talk about what this means for our continued membership, MEP elections in May, Brexit and the increasing possibility of a confirmatory ballot.
Talking to BBC News about the extension of Article 50, European elections and the importance of having a confirmatory ballot on whatever deal emerges.
The march on Saturday represented all that is great about Britain. Good humoured, witty, friendly, diverse, kind, welcoming, outward looking and compassionate. I had many wonderful conversations and have huge admiration for those who travelled from all over the country to make their voices heard. British Europeans at our finest.
Speaking to a lively crowd of Brits and other EU citizens outside the European Council building as the 28 heads of government considered the Article 50 extension request from the UK.
Theresa May gave a speech in Grimsby today ahead of the second “meaningful vote” on her Brexit deal in Parliament on Tuesday. You can read her speech, with my comments inserted, here.