50 EU benefits #10
British families get nearly £10 for every £1 we put into the EU.
British families get nearly £10 for every £1 we put into the EU.
Outside the EU, we’d still need to follow its rules, but with no say on them.
How democratic are the various international organisations to which the UK belongs?
Police searches on DNA database take 143 days via Interpol, 15 minutes via EU.
EU rules give you protection from dismissal when pregnant.
The EU is constantly reforming: it’s a process, not an event.
Without EU, countries would compete to subsidise farmers, costing millions & crowding out lower spenders.
We can defeat terrorism by staying at the heart of EU security & crimefighting networks.
Thanks to cooperation with EU partner France, our border checks are in Calais, not Dover.
This graphic summarises which international players are on which side in the EU debate.
Budget airlines exist because EU single market brought down cost of flying.
Fall ill or have an accident abroad? Get emergency healthcare anywhere in EU.
We were never hoodwinked. Here’s an extract from the Daily Mail’s leader, the day before our 1975 referendum on EEC membership.
Is an EU referendum an internal affair for that country, or can others advise? Farage wants it both ways.
If you earn the UK average salary in 2015, then Britain’s EU membership cost you 11.8p a day. This graphic shows how UK public spending breaks down.
The rhetoric: “[Ever-closer union] may appeal to some countries. But it is not right for Britain, and we must ensure we are no longer subject to it.” The reality: “The concept of ‘ever-closer union’ allows for different paths of integration for different countries, allowing those that want to deepen integration to move ahead, while respecting […]
The entire EU budget is less than 1% of GDP. (For comparison, the UK government budget is 40%.)
The European Court of Human RIghts was invented by the British after World War II. (It has nothing to do with the European Union.)
Each year we sell more to Holland alone than to the whole of the Commonwealth. (More than £24 billion in 2013.)
The majority of UK immigration comes from outside the EU. (And it’s totally up to us how we deal with it.)
Non-EU countries Switzerland & Norway both have much higher EU immigration than Britain. (And Norway obeys EU rules that it can’t influence, including free movement.)
The US, Australia, Canada & Ireland have all gone on record to urge us to stay in the EU. (We don’t have to take their advice, but sometimes it’s good to listen to your friends.)
A great way to cut red tape: consolidate 28 sets of national regulations into one shared set.
Evidence-based rebuttals of the most widespread tabloid myths about Europe.