Tag Archives: health
When Brexit Becomes a Matter of Life and Death
Cooperation over health and medical provision in the EU has never hit the headlines – but it has undoubtedly saved many lives. The detachment of the UK from this system now threatens lives. Yet the government appears oblivious to this.
Brexit and Pharmaceuticals: Access to Medicine
A sector that doesn’t raise its voice in public (for fear of annoying ministers) but which is very worried about the consequences of Brexit, is the pharmaceutical industry. This is yet another industry which, behind the scenes, is asking for a “bespoke” agreement for its sector with a “deep and comprehensive” trade agreement and even a pharmaceutical protocol.
50 EU benefits #37
Between 2007-2012, UK received over £466m EU funding for health research.
50 EU benefits #29
Some 100,000 skilled EU migrants work in our health and social care services.
50 EU benefits #18
We’re less likely to get food poisoning thanks to EU General Food Regulation.
The future of pharmacies
Brexiteers’ attempts to drag the NHS into their anti-EU campaign hinges on two dubious claims. The first is that we would be significantly better off if we left the EU. The second is that our government would spend its new-found windfall on plugging the gaps in public spending on the health service. The first of […]
50 EU benefits #01
Fall ill or have an accident abroad? Get emergency healthcare anywhere in EU.
A healthy respect for the facts
It’s World Health Day. This annual event, organised by the United Nations World Health Organisation, is designed to shine the spotlight on health-related issues. And healthcare has been in the spotlight in recent days here in the UK too — this time linked to our ongoing debate about EU membership. I suppose, as one of […]
Collaborating on cancer cures
Today is World Cancer Day — and we are reminded of the sad fact that, with people now living longer, the risk of getting cancer is dramatically increasing. In 2012, there were an estimated 3.4 million new cases of cancer in Europe, an average of 254 new cancer cases for every 100,000 Europeans. In Yorkshire […]
“EU health tourism costs the NHS billions”: Really?
In fact, official figures from the Department of Health show that the opposite is true!
“Renationalisation is impossible under EU rules”: Really?
This claim has been made about several different public services in the UK, but it is not true.
“The EU harms the NHS”: Really?
This is absolute nonsense. How we organise our health service, and how we pay for it, is a matter for our own government.
Kirkwood hospice
On a gloriously sunny Saturday, it was a pleasure to be invited to Kirkwood Hospice‘s summer garden party and fundraising event in Huddersfield. The hospice provides invaluable medical, care and support services for people across the Kirklees area with long-term and life-limiting medical conditions. It also has an education programme, which aims to develop the […]